Monday, January 9, 2017

FMA Brotherhood: Episode 52

Alphonse: Tell me.. Why do I have to choose? It isn't right ! 
I have to choose between returning to our original bodies and saving everyone.. But can't we have our real bodies back And save everyone? It isn't fair !

Kimblee: But it's the law of equivalent exchange..

Alphonse: Well, I say searching for possibilities that aren't bound by rules or laws, that's how humanity advances !

Kimblee: I see.. So if you could discover an exception to the rule, you can effectively rewrite the laws of nature as we understand them.. It that how it's supposed to go..?
Because there is another possibility you know.. You don't get your bodies back,, And you don't save everyone. That could certainly happen..

FMA Brotherhood - Episode 52

Sunday, January 1, 2017

FMA Brotherhood: Episode 2

[Three days later, the Colonel and Lieutenant had left and Edward sat in a large bed, covered in a sheet, strange instruments surrounded him. Alphonse sat in a chair nearby while Granny Pinako stood on his other side along with Winry]

Granny [asking grimly]: You're sure you won't regret this?

Edward [nodding]: My mind's made up.. How long will the surgery and rehabilitation take?

Granny: I'd say about three years, more or less.

[Edward took a deep breath, contemplating that for a moment before lifting his head]: I'll do it in one.

[Granny and Winry gasping]: You'll have yourself spitting blood, you know that?

[Edward nodded again before turning to Alphonse]: Al, you just hang in there a little longer, okay? We're going to get you your body back, I promise.

[Al nodded]: Right.. And while we're at it we'll get yours back too.

[The boys looked at each other confidently before Edward turned back to granny]: Okay. I'm ready.

FMA Brotherhood - Episode 2