Monday, July 16, 2018


"But.. my light isn't to be seen among them. Still.. after all this time.. it seems I'm just someone who stopped to warm himself at the bonfire in passing.

So long as I have my sword to fight with, I'm sure to survive. Year after year, I've proven it to be true... I've always survived, no matter the odds, no matter how hopeless a losing battle [may seem]. This time was no different.. In truth, I don't believe that's any way to live one's life.

I've been fighting in battles for as long as I can remember. The mercenary leader who raised me taught me nothing, except how to wield a sword. I've never had anything, except my sword.

I don't want to die.. for me that is the only reason I keep fighting. There is nothing to save myself for nor give myself to; I fight because I know nothing else. Once I was willing, to do just that, to commit myself to fighting, and let anyone else find a reason for me.."

[Berserk - Guts Monologue]

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