Sunday, November 1, 2015

Death is a lonely business

Inside his jungle bungalow, Crumley looked in my face, guessed at a brandy instead of a beer, gave me that, and nodded at the telephone in his bedroom. 
"You got any money to call Mexico City?"
I shook my head. 
"Now you have," said Crumley. "Call. Talk to your girl. Shut the door and talk." 
I grabbed his hand and almost broke every bone in it, gasping. Then I called Mexico.
"Who is this?"
"It's me, me!"
"My God, you sound so strange, so far away."
"I am far away."
"You're alive, thank God."
"I had this terrible feeling last night. I couldn't sleep."
"What time, Peg, what time?"
"Four o'clock, why?"
"Nothing. I couldn't sleep either. How's Mexico City?"
"Full of death."
"God, I thought it was all here."
"Nothing. Lord, it's good to hear your voice."
"Say something."
I said something.
"Say it again!"
"Why are you shouting, Peg?"
"I don't know. Yes, I do. When are you going to ask me to marry you, damn it!"
"Peg," I said, in dismay.
"Well, when?"
"Only thirty dollars a week, forty when I'm lucky, some weeks nothing, some months not a damn thing?"
"I'll take a vow of poverty."
"I will. I'll be home in ten days and take both vows."
"Ten days, ten years."
"Why do women always have to ask men for their hands?"
"Because we're cowards and more afraid than you."
"I'll protect you."
"Some conversation this."
I thought of the door last night and the thing hanging on the door and the thing on the end of my bed. "You'd better hurry."
"Do you remember my face?" she said suddenly.
"You do remember it, don't you, because, God, just an hour ago this terrible, horrible thing happened, I couldn't remember yours, or the color of your eyes, and I realized what a dumb fool I was not to bring your picture along, and it was all gone. That scares me, to think I could forget. You'll never forget me, will you?"
I didn't tell her I had forgotten the color of her eyes just the day before and how that had shaken me for an hour and that it was a kind of death but me not being able to figure who had died first, Peg or me.
"Does my voice help?"
Am I there with you? Do you see my eyes?"
"For God's sake, first thing you do when you hang up, mail me a picture. I don't want to be afraid any more..."
"All I have is a lousy twenty-five-cent photo machine picture I..."
"Send it!"
"I should never have come down here and left you alone up there, unprotected."
"You make me sound like your kid."
"What else are you?"
"I don't know. Can love protect people, Peg?"
"It must. If it doesn't protect you, I'll never forgive God. Let's keep talking. As long as we talk, love's there and you're okay."
"I'm okay already. You've made me well. I was sick today, Peg. Nothing serious. Something I ate. But I'm right now."
"I'm moving in with you when I get home, no matter what you say. If we get married, fine. You'll just have to get used to my working while you finish the Great American Epic, and to hell with it, shut up. Someday, later on, you support me!"
"Are you ordering me around?"
"Sure, because I hate to hang up and I just want this to go on all day and I know it's costing you a mint. Say some more, the things I want to hear."
I said some more.
And she was gone, the telephone line humming and me left with a piece of wire cable two thousand miles long and a billion shadow whispers lingering there, heading toward me. I cut them off before they could reach my ear and slide inside my head.

Ray Bradbury - Death is a lonely business
Page 87-90

One Piece - Episode 86

Security Guard: Wapol-sama. Hiluluk is ascending to the castle.

Wapol: Excellent! [laughs abruptly] Now ain't he a hippo?!

Dalton [to himself]: Has he lost his mind? Why is he coming here?!

*Back at Doctorine's house*
Doctorine: He won't be coming back to this house.. He's decided that the castle will be his grave..
[Chopper cries uncontrollably]

*In front of the castle*
Hiluluk: Take me to the patients! I've come to save the Isshi-20!
[sees that they are fine and well]

Wapol [laughing]: You dumb hippo! You still don't get it?! This is a trap!
The Isshi-20 are quite healthy, as you can see!
You have come here to die, Dr. Hiluluk.

Dalton [to himself]: Why did you come..?

Wapol: Garrison, ready!
[soldiers aim their guns at Hiluluk]

Hiluluk: What? Thank goodness. No one's sick here. I thought for sure the country was in trouble.. How about that..? I was just being fooled.
[sudden realization falls upon Dalton and the Isshi-20, start to look ashamed]

Wapol: The most important thing for this country is to have you dead. Ignore him and fire!

Hiluluk: Don't bother.. You can't kill me.
[Wapol looks confused]
Yo.. When do you think people die..?
When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol?
When they are ravaged by an incurable disease?
When they drink a soup made from a a poisonous mushroom..?
It's when.. They are forgotten..
Even after I'm gone, my dream will come true. The ailing hearts of the people will be cured.. Why are you crying, Dalton?

Dalton: Do you think... a country is the same?

Hiluluk: If the will is inherited.

Wapol: Oi, oi, Dalton! What the hell are you crying about?

Hiluluk: A monster will be coming here soon. He's my son, don't touch him.
[to himself] Don't worry Chopper. Your mushroom isn't going to kill me.
This has truly been a wonderful life! Thank you, Chopper!

Doctorine: See ya, Quack doctor.

One Piece - Episode 86

FMA Brotherhood: Episode 9

Edward: It's all my fault.. Al lost his body, and it's all my fault.. 
He can't eat anymore, he can't sleep, he can't feel cold or warmth.. He's my little brother, and I'm supposed to protect him and I did this.. 
How can he ever forgive me?!

Pianko: Al isn't the type of boy who would resent you for this.. 
Just ask him, I'm sure you'll see.

Edward: No.. I'm too afraid.. I'm too scared of what he'll say..

FMA Brotherhood - Episode 9

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Last Samurai

Omura: Enlighted One, we must discuss this-

Emperor Meiji: Omura, you have done quite enough!

Omura: Everything I have done, I have done for my country.

Emperor Meiji: Then you will not mind when I seize your family's assets and present them as a gift to the people.

Omura: [furious] You disgrace me!

Emperor Meiji: If your shame is unbearable.. I offer you this sword!

The Last Samurai

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

[Sheriff's squad storms into the shop]
Sheriff: [faces D directly] Freeze! Put your hands where I can see 'em! Now!

Polk: Sheriff.. He paid good money for that -
[Sheriff scatters the golden coins on the ground] 
- What are you doing?!

Sheriff: Take your money and go!
[Sheriff's squad takes aim at D]
We don't want you here. We don't sell to Dunpeals in this town. Understand? Understand me Dunpeal? 
[talks threateningly] You understand..

Polk: Wait a minute, that's my horse you're talking about there! And I'll sell it to whoever I want, if they can afford the price I'm asking!

Sheriff: You can't do that, we have laws against it Polk. Good laws and for a damn good reason.
[squad still aiming at D]

Polk: What laws?!

Sheriff: Don't play court Polk, you know as well as I Dunpeals aren't allowed.

Polk: No allowed right. [reaches for something below his desk] I remember a time not that long ago when we had Vampires and Dunpeals both around here, but..

Sheriff: [interrupts him] And that's why we have the law!

Polk: Listen to me, whether you want to hear it or not. You weren't even born when this happened! Do yourself a favor & listen to the story.
I'm going to tell you about the time when the children were kidnapped; [reaches for his mug] there were 10 children altogether.
[takes a sip]

Sheriff: [still not facing away from D] Yeah, I heard about that time.

Polk: [sets down his mug & returns to his repairs] Kidnappers turned out to be Vampires; of course. And so the townspeople pooled their money to hire a Vampire hunter.. They wanted the best.
And when the hunter came, he was a very strong & quiet man; and he did his job too, which was to return the children safely back to their parents homes. It wasn't easy, but many Vampires died by his hands before this job was over with. And when it was over, & the children were back home, the people attacked the man! They said he was a Dunpeal, half Vampire, himself!
[sounding upset at what they did]
So they punished him..

Sheriff: [looks at Polk out of the corner of his eye] Can't say I blame them for doing that!
[looks back at D; uses the same tone of disgust as when he spoke before]
You can't trust 'em! That's all that's about.
[resolve now stronger]
You're right about that part, Polk.

Polk: [sets his tools down,even more upset now that his story had no effect] He did the Job..
[reaches for something below his desk]
I see then I'll have to take matters-
[pulls out a large gun]
-into my own hands.. Let him go!
[aims the gun right at the Sheriff's head]

Sheriff: [looks at Polk out of the corner of his eye] And what is that..?

Polk: [talks angrily] What does it look like, idiot?! Put down your guns!
[Squad starts to lower their guns]

Sheriff: Polk, you can't know what you're doing. Put it down..

Polk: [laughs nervously] I know exactly what I'm doing!

Sheriff: [faces Polk, talks in a ferocious manner] You don't know, put it down now you ol' fool!

Polk: [climbs the desk with his gun aimed at the Sheriff's head] Ah, I would much rather be an ol' fool than what you are Sheriff!

Sheriff: [talks calmly] Now don't shoot..

Polk: I can tell you I won't think twice about using this weapon; I might even enjoy it!
[Sheriff sweats heavily]
Get on your horse, stranger..

D: Thank you.
[D gets on his horse, starts to leave the shop]

Polk: No. It's only fitting I thank you; it's the least I can do.
[D stops]
Polk: I may be just an old fool now stranger, but I could never forget a face like yours.. [looks briefly at D] And I'll never forget what you had done for me back then..
[Sheriff's squad gasps]
That's right! I was one of them kids!
And I always felt bad about that; the way you was treated.. How nobody stopped you, nobody thanked you; instead the ignorant bastards ran you right out of our town..
[looks briefly at D again]
So it's true, isn't it? What they say about you Dunpeals; you don't age. Now go I'm getting tired..
[D leaves the shop on his horse]


Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

Friday, October 23, 2015

Attack on Titan - Episode 21

Levi: I don't know the right answer.. I never have.
Even if I believed in myself, and the decisions made by comrades who've earned my trust; the result was always a complete mystery.
That's why.. You should just do your best to take a decision you believe you'll regret the least.

Attack on Titan - Episode 21

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Legend Of The Guardians

Soren: Wait. Is that your mark?

Ezylryb: What, this? Yes.

Soren: So.. You wrote the Chronicle of the Battle of the Ice Claws.

Ezylryb: I think so.
Well, actually, yes. I did.

Soren: Were you there?

Ezylryb: Yes.

Soren: What, as a-a scribe?

Ezylryb: Um.. Well, no. As a soldier.
As the, I guess you could say, leader of all the soldiers.

Soren: You're Lyze of Kiel..

Ezylryb: Um.. Yes.

Soren: You are Lyze of Kiel..

Ezylryb: Yes. Don't wear it out.

Soren: But..
*looks at his abandoned metal claws*

Ezylryb: What, that old thing? That's only good for gathering coals now.

Soren: Yeah, but why go by Ezylryb?

Ezylryb: All the owls of the tree know who I am.

Soren: But you're..

Ezylryb: My days as Lyze are well behind me.. And that battle is a distant memory.
Except, funnily enough, for young owlets like you.

Soren: Why didn't you tell me..?

Ezylryb: *gets frustrated* What difference does it make what I call myself?!

Soren: Because Lyze of Kiel was my hero.

Ezylryb: Yes, well, fancy it must be hard meeting your hero, and seeing that he's real and not a myth.

Soren: You're just not...

Ezylryb: *speaks ferociously* What did you expect?!
Some Tyto Alba with gleaming armor and battle claws, the moon rising behind him?!
Well, this is what it looks like when you've actually fought in battle.
It's not glorious. It's not beautiful. And it's not even heroic! It's merely doing what's right.
And doing it again, and again. Even if someday, you'll look like this!

Legend Of The Guardians

A Beautiful Mind

Martin: What about the.. um. Well, you know.
Are they gone?

Nash: No, they're not gone. And maybe they never will be.
But I've gotten used to ignoring them, and I think as a result they kind of given up on me.
You think that's what it's like with.. all our dreams and nightmares, Martin?
You've got to keep feeding them, for them to say alive?

Martin: John, they.. They haunt you, though.

Nash: Oh, they're my past Martin. Everybody is haunted by their past.

A Beautiful Mind

Parasyte The Maxim - Episode 14

Fortune Teller: Hey, You there.. You!
[Izumi looks around, questioningly points at himself]
Fortune Teller: That's right, you! Come let me take a look.. What's going on? You look like you've been through a lot.
Show me your hand.. Your hand!
[Izumi gives her his left hand]
[The fortune teller to herself: "The left hand..?"]

Fortune Teller: [looks deeply into his hand] Right now, you have a hole in your heart.. Don't you?

Izumi: Huh! How'd you know that?!

Fortune Teller: Oh.. it's a huge, gaping hole..

Izumi: How can I, um.. How can I close it?

Fortune Teller: Meet the person.

Izumi: Huh?

Fortune Teller: Meet the one who opened that hole again.. Meet that person, and talk everything over to bring closure..
Listen well, that person is the only one who can seal that hole..
[Izumi's face changes abruptly]
[The fortune teller, terrified, stares at him]
[Izumi laughs frantically]

Izumi: I killed that person.

Parasyte The Maxim - Episode 14

Friday, October 2, 2015

Hellsing Ultimate - Episode 5

Integra: We must leave this place, Mr. Penwood!
It's only a matter of time before groups of vampires make their way here.

Penwood: You.. You should head back to your organization as soon as possible.
You still have a duty only you can fulfill.
I-I can't leave this place, that's the one thing I can't do.

Integra: It's almost impossible to issue orders from here. Are you trying to get yourself killed?!

Penwood: Who knows?
Communications could be restored and we might be able to assume command again.
Some bases may have succeeded in fighting off the enemy and could be waiting for further instructions.
I-I am the commanding officer here... I can't possibly leave this place, can I?
I'm an incompetent person. I'm a coward. I'm a man so useless that even I don't understand why I hold this position. I'm only here now because of my family status.
I've never tried to obtain anything by myself. All I did was accept positions that were given to me, and did the work I was told to do.
So that's why I must at least, at least do my job..

Hellsing Ultimate - Episode 5

The Tao of Pooh

Now one rather annoying thing about scholars is that they are always using Big Words that some of us can't understand...

"Well," said Owl, "the customary procedure in such cases is as follows."
"What does Crustimoney Proseedcake mean?" said Pooh. "For I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words Bother me,"
"It means the Thing to Do."
"As long as it means that, I don't mind," said Pooh humbly.

... And one sometimes gets the impression that those intimidating words are there to keep us from understanding. That way, the scholars can appear Superior, and will not likely be suspected of Not Knowing Something. After all, from the scholarly point of view, it's practically a crime not to know everything.

Benjamin Hoff - The Tao of Pooh
Chapter IV: In Which Eeyore Loses a Tail and Pooh Finds One