Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

[Sheriff's squad storms into the shop]
Sheriff: [faces D directly] Freeze! Put your hands where I can see 'em! Now!

Polk: Sheriff.. He paid good money for that -
[Sheriff scatters the golden coins on the ground] 
- What are you doing?!

Sheriff: Take your money and go!
[Sheriff's squad takes aim at D]
We don't want you here. We don't sell to Dunpeals in this town. Understand? Understand me Dunpeal? 
[talks threateningly] You understand..

Polk: Wait a minute, that's my horse you're talking about there! And I'll sell it to whoever I want, if they can afford the price I'm asking!

Sheriff: You can't do that, we have laws against it Polk. Good laws and for a damn good reason.
[squad still aiming at D]

Polk: What laws?!

Sheriff: Don't play court Polk, you know as well as I Dunpeals aren't allowed.

Polk: No allowed right. [reaches for something below his desk] I remember a time not that long ago when we had Vampires and Dunpeals both around here, but..

Sheriff: [interrupts him] And that's why we have the law!

Polk: Listen to me, whether you want to hear it or not. You weren't even born when this happened! Do yourself a favor & listen to the story.
I'm going to tell you about the time when the children were kidnapped; [reaches for his mug] there were 10 children altogether.
[takes a sip]

Sheriff: [still not facing away from D] Yeah, I heard about that time.

Polk: [sets down his mug & returns to his repairs] Kidnappers turned out to be Vampires; of course. And so the townspeople pooled their money to hire a Vampire hunter.. They wanted the best.
And when the hunter came, he was a very strong & quiet man; and he did his job too, which was to return the children safely back to their parents homes. It wasn't easy, but many Vampires died by his hands before this job was over with. And when it was over, & the children were back home, the people attacked the man! They said he was a Dunpeal, half Vampire, himself!
[sounding upset at what they did]
So they punished him..

Sheriff: [looks at Polk out of the corner of his eye] Can't say I blame them for doing that!
[looks back at D; uses the same tone of disgust as when he spoke before]
You can't trust 'em! That's all that's about.
[resolve now stronger]
You're right about that part, Polk.

Polk: [sets his tools down,even more upset now that his story had no effect] He did the Job..
[reaches for something below his desk]
I see then I'll have to take matters-
[pulls out a large gun]
-into my own hands.. Let him go!
[aims the gun right at the Sheriff's head]

Sheriff: [looks at Polk out of the corner of his eye] And what is that..?

Polk: [talks angrily] What does it look like, idiot?! Put down your guns!
[Squad starts to lower their guns]

Sheriff: Polk, you can't know what you're doing. Put it down..

Polk: [laughs nervously] I know exactly what I'm doing!

Sheriff: [faces Polk, talks in a ferocious manner] You don't know, put it down now you ol' fool!

Polk: [climbs the desk with his gun aimed at the Sheriff's head] Ah, I would much rather be an ol' fool than what you are Sheriff!

Sheriff: [talks calmly] Now don't shoot..

Polk: I can tell you I won't think twice about using this weapon; I might even enjoy it!
[Sheriff sweats heavily]
Get on your horse, stranger..

D: Thank you.
[D gets on his horse, starts to leave the shop]

Polk: No. It's only fitting I thank you; it's the least I can do.
[D stops]
Polk: I may be just an old fool now stranger, but I could never forget a face like yours.. [looks briefly at D] And I'll never forget what you had done for me back then..
[Sheriff's squad gasps]
That's right! I was one of them kids!
And I always felt bad about that; the way you was treated.. How nobody stopped you, nobody thanked you; instead the ignorant bastards ran you right out of our town..
[looks briefly at D again]
So it's true, isn't it? What they say about you Dunpeals; you don't age. Now go I'm getting tired..
[D leaves the shop on his horse]


Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

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